Year-ender post?

December 31, 2008

I’m no good at these things. I don’t even remember half the things that happened to me and to this world in 2008. Heath died, Obama became president, Britney came back, David Cook won, the economic crisis, 30 Rock became better than ever, Robert Downey Jr… I’m too lazy to remember other things. As for things that happened to me, they mostly consisted of school, Silkroad and Red Alert 3. I’ve discovered the path I wanted to take for college (UP FILM!), I’ve exerted extra effort into something school-related (Social) and I have found out how consuming my addictions could be. It’s a year that had its ups and downs but here’s to looking forward to the future. Happy New Year, everyone!

(I saw this in my drafts so I decided to post it now. XD)

He was my co-commander yet again. Never thought I would see the day, either. I love working with the Reds! Especially with a certain Mr. Nikolai Moskvin. Yes, I am aware that he is a video game character so no way am I going to be romantically linked to him… Unless I make a character to serve as co-commander to him. In fact, I already did! Her name is Khrishna Anatevka. From Russia, with love!

As enticing as the title sounds right now, it’s not what you think.

So we went to the Fully Booked at Bonifacio High Street and frolicked. Armed with Christmas money, I had the impulse to buy this big, hard-bound book called “501 Must-See Movies” I felt so accomplished. You guys know how much I love the movies, right? So I’m just feeding my passion and I plan to watch a good number of the films mentioned in the book. And just imagine the glee I had when I saw Taxi Driver and Scarface next to each other! I originally wanted to use my money to buy a DVD set of The Godfather Trilogy but that can wait.

Another passion of mine is history! I can’t wait for Social this quarter! I saw the course outline and I loved it. American Revolution, French Revolution, World Wars… These are all topics that I love and so I am more pressured to get an A but it shouldn’t be too hard since I’m definitely going to enjoy the ride!

I don’t want people to think that I’m still pissed so I’m here to update on that. I’m not pissed anymore. It’s a pretty shallow thing but yeah. I patched things up with my friend and I’m trying to be more patient with myself and with others. Speaking of trying… The new year is coming close! Might have to look at the year that came and take a good look at the year that is about to come. I might have some New Year’s Resolutions in my mind which I hope I’ll be able to accomplish.

Argh. This totally sucks…

December 25, 2008

Everyone’s supposed to be all happy on this Christmas celebration and I am showing zero signs of that kind of happiness. And I admit, I did this to myself.

Not even a Tim Burton film could cheer me up… Not even Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman can amaze me… Not even Pulp Fiction excites me. I am depressing myself.

Songs like “All I Want for Christmas is You” and that song that goes “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart…” (I don’t know the title.) They’re making me feel worse. And it sucks because I’m only fifteen (going sixteen next month) and love shouldn’t even be the first thing to come in my mind. What is frackin’ wrong with me? I hate this. It’s depressing and I can’t do anything about it. Whatever happened to the “boys have cooties” mentality?

Times are changing now. If before, these things wouldn’t affect me at all… It’s eating me up like a virus. Just give me a hunchback and station me to Notre Dame. I just know it. I freak people out. I freak them out with my actions. They just don’t wanna say anything because they think I’ll get hurt if they say it straight to my face.


It hurts when I’m ignored for it.

It hurts when I’m not taken seriously for it.

It hurts because they expect me to be a mind reader? Uh.. You must have mistaken me for David Blaine! If you don’t like what I do, then please… PLEASE… just say so. I can change! I can change for you and for others but dammit, if you’re not going to speak out then nothing’s obviously going to happen!

You know the saying… “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Give me a reason to make me feel like it’s broken because I can’t fix this myself.


Failed Christmas. FAIIIIIL.

December 24, 2008

Ugh. And here I thought that things would finally go my way on this Christmas season… Things were going so well until SOMEBODY had to step in and use the computer on the most opportune of times! Lord, please don’t make this a sign. I don’t want it to be a sign. :(

Total suckage, man. The opportunity was right there… Life’s not fair.

Whatev. I got Pulp Fiction on DVD.

Lemon out.

ME! Hail the Motherland!

After a week of playing Red Alert 3, I’ve finally beat the Soviet Union campaign. It’s been a blast working with my co-commanders. Oleg, Zhana… the incredibly hot Moskvin. (God, the way he licked his lips when he said he was going to stay around in New York to have some fun.) I fell in love at the last mission where we had to blow up the Statue of Liberty. That was not fun for me. I didn’t want to blow up the strongest reminder of New York City. But alas! A Soviet commander’s gotta do what a Soviet commander’s gotta do. I was only defeated twice but I led the Motherland to victory many times… Heil myself!

Would’ve been great fun to include the Germans in this game. It would be controversial and tasteless but whatever. Nazis were a vital part of World War II whether anyone likes it or not. What could possibly come out of the inclusion of Nazis into the game? The growth of Neo-Nazism? White supremacy? Whatev. They would make an awesome addition to the game. Just think of the advanced technology that they will get! And just think of the commando! It’s going to be a German milkmaid, yah. But she’s going to pour spoiled milk on her opponents. Think how awesome that would be!

I’m gonna start on playing for the Allied Forces next time. I’m curious of using Tanya. I like her more than Natasha. I keep having Natasha killed. I’m not good at using her. I just stick to my Kirov Airships, Twinblades, MIG Fighters, Tesla Coils and Stingrays.

Today was our last of school for the year. Hello Christmas vacation! How I missed thee so! Two things happened today: Exam Results and Christmas Celebrations.

First off, exams. The results were not as bad as I thought. In fact, I am quite pleased with it! I was the highest in my class for Chem and Social. :D The Chem result actually shocked me. I mean, the exam WAS easy. I just never thought that I would get a 97 out of 100. Looks like I DO know what I study about! I did not have a good time with the prediction of chemical reactions part. And Social was good, too. I got an 85 out of 100 which is a slight improvement from my past scores but what makes this victory sweet is that the highest in the batch is Billie with 90… That’s the closest I’ll ever get to getting the highest score in the exam. Yet I’m never in the same level as Anna and Billie. I never am. And as I mentioned before, I got the highest score in the class, which is awesome because my Long Test results were rather dismal. Stuck with another A-, methinks. And the rest of the scores are so and so. I failed Filipino. First time I failed an exam, actually. A lot of people failed, as a matter of fact. And I heard that they’re pushing the perfect score from 100 to 80 and by that knowledge, I would pass Filipino! Hopefully it’s not a rumor. :)

Now for Christmas celebrations… I was a menorah for the Christmas costume pageant. I felt like such a stranger. Plus, my costume sucked. XD Oh well. What really mattered was the personal Christmas celebration! Surprisingly enough, I got a lot of gifts from my friends. Now I feel bad because I don’t have gifts for them! (Well, I kinda do.. But only for a select few.) I gave gift art to Sir Dayag, Miss Kresta, Sir Lee, Sir Berns and Sir Mao. Oh God, we waited for like… an hour for Sir Mao. Turns out he was in his homeroom class all this time!

And Operation: Bear Day was a success. It was nice to see how Sir Lee reacted to the gifts I gave him. He didn’t seem freaked out at all, thankfully. I think he just received the best Christmas/birthday present ever. Haha. But yeah. He was generally pleased with what I gave him. And I got my wish from him! I told him to get me a gift and I said I’d settle for anything, even an e-mail. He said he’ll send everyone e-mails with greetings and stuff so I requested for a long, personal e-mail from him. What he said today? “I think I’ll give you a long e-mail.” MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. He was probably overwhelmed by the effort I put into the Christmas card so he got pressured to send a long e-mail. Haha. I’m glad he liked it. I’m glad my efforts did not go in vain.

For once in my life, things are starting to go my way. :)

Ugh! Noooooo!

December 17, 2008

After 101 posts of consistency… After three months of posting… It’s… OVER. My streak is finally over!

Well, it was going to happen eventually. I’m just glad the exams are over. Granted, I’ve probably done terribly in all of them but that’s life. You win some, you lose some… and then you lose some more. Aye, aye.

We’re getting our results tomorrow. How exciting is that? They’re distributing the results before the Christmas party and program. It’s like saying, “Merry Christmas! You failed!” Whatever. I hope people don’t take the results too hard this quarter, despite how difficult the exams were. And they really were! Usually, I just think the exams were average in difficulty. Well, it’s better to fail a hard exam than an easy exam. At least by then, you’d understand why students failed.

I’ll try enjoying the last day of school this year tomorrow. Screw the exams! There’s always next quarter! And there’s a silver lining that you’ll never see from my cloud. I won’t let the exams bother Operation: Bear Day! By the way, I got the shirt today. IT’S SO CUTE. It cannot be refused. :)

Okay. I love this song. “Jizz in my Pants” is so dangerously catchy. Unless no one knows what “jizz” means, it is probably unsafe to sing this song out in the open… Especially when you’re a girl.

Anyway… Well, it’s the exam week. I could have spent today to study but nooo. I procrastinated. Sigh. I’ll have to cram everything tomorrow then. For Math and CL. Oh joy.

So what did I do? I played Red Alert 3. I painted my drawings. I waited for my English groupmates to finish their review. Yeah. Uneventful day.